Monday, July 28, 2014

apple every morning can also help speed up the body's metabolism

eating Apples
An apple every morning can also help speed up the body's metabolism. This is because apples are rich in pectin which can encourage metabolic process. Eating apples should also be done before a workout for the body to get energy and preventing hunger.

Drinking water
Drink two glasses of water in the morning before the move is very good for cleansing the body of toxins and increase metabolism. Apply it every day and make a part of a healthy lifestyle everyday so that your body's metabolism for the better.

Drinking vegetable juice
The juice is considered very helps increase metabolism Some green vegetables, fruits, and certain grains, which is then mixed with coconut water, can be a refreshing juice drink. Vegetable juice can help the body's nutritional supplement, a source of energy, and increase metabolism.

Stretch the muscles
When arriving at the office or work place, stretch your muscles and inhale deeply. Only by stretching arms above the head, slightly rotate the arm, and draw a deep breath can release tension and burn some calories. This in turn will affect your metabolism.

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